Do you want to become a futuristic robot in World of Warcraft? There is a toy in the game that can transform players into a “Nascent Prototype”. Its body is made up of irregular geometric shapes, giving it a very unique appearance. Additionally, it can be combined with other toys to make your transformation even more distinctive.
How can you obtain this interesting toy?
First, we need to come to the “Zereth Mortis” area on the map of the Shadowlands, near the “Sepulcher of the First Ones”.

Here, we need to collect 6 Sonance Buffs. These 6 Sonance Buffs are distributed on 6 glowing pillars not far away. Click on them to obtain the buffs. The 6 Sonance Buff pillars are located at the following 6 coordinates:

- The first pillar, coordinates (77, 55)
- The second pillar, coordinates (81, 50)
- The third pillar, coordinates (80, 56)
- The fourth pillar, coordinates (76, 60)
- The fifth pillar, coordinates (76, 46)
- The sixth pillar, coordinates (77, 58) inside a cave. The chest containing the toy is also here.
Each click on a Sonance Buff pillar grants you a layer of buff, with each layer lasting for 5 minutes, so you need to act quickly. After obtaining all six layers of buff, you can break the seal to open the chest and obtain the toy for this robot transformation – the “Protopological Cube”.

The transformation with the “Protopological Cube” lasts for 15 minutes with a cooldown of 1 hour. If you are a collector, this is definitely something you shouldn’t miss!