How can we help you?


  •  General
  • About Delivery
  • About Member
  • Why should I register on Mmosale?+

    By becoming a member, you will enjoy the following exclusive services:

    •  Faster checkout

    You do not have to fill in the complicated order information each time and can quickly choose the

    products you want and log in directly for checkout.

    •  Store Credits

    You will get a certain amount Store Credits for each order you place and also have the chance to get extra Store Credits presented by us. The credits will be redeemed to directly use as cash for your future order.

    •  Order tracking

    You can quickly refer to your ordering records and order details.

    How do I create a Mmosale account?+

    You can create an account at any time by following these simple steps.
    1. Click the "Create an Account" link under login section.
    2. Fill in your email (must be a functioning address). Enter a password.
    3. Click "Submit" and you will receive an email.

    What if I forget my password?+

    If you have forgotten your password, you can follow the "Forgot Password" link, and fill in your registered email. Then click "Submit" and you will receive a rest password link in your email. Just follow that link to reset your password.

    How can I change my password?+

    You can change your password after log in your Mmosale account. In the "My profile" column you will find Edit link. Then you just need to follow these steps to change it.

  • Payment Information
  • Place an Order
  • Refund Policy
  • Store Credits
Why should I register on Mmosale?+

By becoming a member, you will enjoy the following exclusive services:

•  Faster checkout

You do not have to fill in the complicated order information each time and can quickly choose the

products you want and log in directly for checkout.

•  Store Credits

You will get a certain amount Store Credits for each order you place and also have the chance to get extra Store Credits presented by us. The credits will be redeemed to directly use as cash for your future order.

•  Order tracking

You can quickly refer to your ordering records and order details.

How do I create a Mmosale account?+

You can create an account at any time by following these simple steps.
1. Click the "Create an Account" link under login section.
2. Fill in your email (must be a functioning address). Enter a password.
3. Click "Submit" and you will receive an email.

What if I forget my password?+

If you have forgotten your password, you can follow the "Forgot Password" link, and fill in your registered email. Then click "Submit" and you will receive a rest password link in your email. Just follow that link to reset your password.

How can I change my password?+

You can change your password after log in your Mmosale account. In the "My profile" column you will find Edit link. Then you just need to follow these steps to change it.
