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On WoW's Death Knight: possible race change after becoming one?

    Information about the upcoming Death Knight class for Blizzard's World of Warcraft has been rather sparse. Although there have been previous announcements about the new class' role in a party, the specifics - like how characters change into one, or the skills tied in with the new class - have yet to be revealed.

    This issue was brought up again on the WoW forums by poster Silversurfar. He specifically asked if those characters who decide to turn Death Knight will get a chance to change their race rather than keep their original one.

    Fortunately, other forum members pointed out that the developers meant for the Death Knight class to be rolled using a completely new character slot, rather than changing an existing class and character slot into one.

Nethaera clarified this by saying:

    From what I gathered, they wanted to know if they'd be locked into only being able to make a Draenei since they will be unlocking with a Draenei character. But, it's true that we don't currently plan on limiting racial choice for when you create your Deathknight. You don't turn your character into a Deathknight, but instead create a new one, yes.

    Blizzard Poster Nethaera was rather quick in replying to people on the forums that there was no final word on the details of the Death Knight class as of yet. Not exactly the kind of reply that encourages inquiring minds.

    In any case, we'll just have to wait for further announcements from the developers on the specific details of this highly anticipated class when the Wrath of the Lich King expansion comes out.


