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Talasites to be slightly less useless in 2.4 in WoW

For those of you who like Spell Haste, here is good news! Patch 2.4 is bringing you a few new Jewelcrafting recipes to reduce your Global Cooldown.


While the effectiveness of Spell Haste is still up for debate, new options for gems are always good. I have a feeling this won't do much to help the Talasite market, the +Stam/Resil cut didn't even help much, but at least it's another use for the things. I'm pretty sure everyone who plays WoW has a stack of them sitting in the bank.

Here are a few new metagems coming the way!

Again, variety is good! Some of these gems are more impressive than others, and the thing that leaps out at me is the fact that the Ember Skyfire Diamond will go hand in hand with the new Spirit buff very well.


