The new expansion of World of Warcraft, “The War Within” is scheduled for release on August 26th. The pre-patch of “The War Within” will also update all professional talent systems.
We’ve discovered in the WoW test server that the Arcane Mage has significantly improved. Let’s discuss how to play the Arcane Mage effectively in Mythic+ dungeons during the pre-patch and prepare for The War Within.
1 Talent Point Allocation
You may be more familiar with the Mythic Arcane talent, which is commonly used.
For the general mage talent, you should choose all 3 ultimate skills: Ice Cold, Time Anomaly, and Mass Barrier.
As for the Arcane talent, the most powerful output skill is Arcane Barrage. It should be strengthened to unleash the highest possible damage output. Additionally, you need to select 4 ultimate skills: High Voltage, Arcane Harmony, Magi’s Spark, and Orb Barrage.

2 The Priority of the Attributes of the Arcane Magic
The priority order for equipment attributes when the equipment levels are close is as follows: Intelligence > Versatility > Haste = Crit > Mastery.

3 Recommended weapons
BEST IN SLOT: Dreambinder, Loom of the Great Cycle
Alternative weapons: Staff of Incandescent Torment

4 Recommended Trinkets
Irideus Fragment and Umbrelskul’s Fractured Heart

Alternative Trinkets:
Belor’relos, the Suncaller
Ashes of the Embersoul
Whispering Incarnate Icon
Ominous Chromatic Essence
Tome of Unstable Power
5 Arcane Set
The exclusive set also significantly improves DPS. You can exchange it for the corresponding set at Revival Catalyst Console. The set provides the following effects:

[2Set:]: For each Arcane Charge, Arcane Blast critical strike chance is increased by 3% and Arcane Explosion critical strike chance is increased by 3%.
[4Set:]: When Arcane Blast or Arcane Explosion critically strikes at least one target, the critical strike chance of your next Arcane Barrage is increased by 10%, stacking up to 4 times.
The following are some minor suggestions for the current stage of arcane gameplay in the Great Secret Realm. After the beginning of The War Within, we will keep updating the gameplay for Arcane and other mages.