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Update of World of Warcralft PTR Ratch 4.1

Veteran, the first Cataclysm content patch 4.1 update for World of Warcraft is well underway! The official has opened up the Public Test Realms to bring players a healthy dose of the dungeons, class changes, and other features of patch 4.1. What kinda of new update then?


1) As we know Zul'Gurub is now a level-85 five-player Heroic difficulty dungeon. Currently we can expect to find epic-quality item level 353 loot in order to provide a new tier above the current Cataclysm dungeons. The minimum average item level to enter this Heroic dungeon is 346.

2) Zul'Aman will join Zul'Gurub in a new Dungeon Finder tier of Heroic dungeons. New versions of the rare raptor, tiger, and bear mounts will be available, while the old versions of these mounts will remain unique to those who already have them.

3) We can still expect to find a fair number of updates. It does't encompass the entirety of the 4.1 changes, nor do the initial Public Test Realm patch notes. The warrior ability Inner Rage is now available at level 56. It was intended to solve an excess rage problem that largely isn’t affecting warriors anymore. We’ve added replacement ability for warriors at level 83: Rallying Cry.

Moreover, there’re so many changes in the latest update. You will get the detailed information in the official site if you want to. Enjoy your game time, guys!
