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World of Warcraft: Can Tauren Warriors Use Swords?

You need to go to the weapon master in Undercity or Silvermoon to train 1h and 2h swords.

You'll first have to make the long run through the barrens to Orgrimmar. Follow the road out of Mulgore, which will take you to Camp Taurajo, follow the road north to the Crossroads, then from the Crossroads the road to the north which will branch off to the east. Go east and you'll end up in Razorhill. Orgrimmar is just north of Razorhill.

There's a zeppelin tower outside of Orgrimmar which will take you to Undercity. Take the zeppelin on the southside(the other one will take you to Stranglethorn Vale, 30+ area)

When you enter the gate of Undercity there is a room to your right where you'll find a portal to Silvermoon,

The herbalism bonus isn't gonna make any difference really. I would recommend two gathering professions at low level, ie. Skinning and Mining. This way the money will flow in and give you options, and you will be able to swap professions later if you want.
