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World of Warcraft Patch 4.2.2 is on PTR

Patch 4.3 is the hot topic for all of World of Warcraft players right now as you try to divine what will be in patch 4.3. Players are just curious about what will bring in patch 4.3 and most of the content in patch 4.2 has already been completed.
Patch 4.3 could include new 5-mans, or new daily content which is unlike the Molten Front. Players could even see a tier of raiding pitting players against Deathwing himself soon.

World of Warcraft the patch 4.2.2 is on PTR

Currently, the PTR is up to patch 4.2.2, so there is no new content. World of Warcraft players hope after a round of clean up and bug fixes on the PTR then players could get some news about patch 4.3 and the wonders. Let’s see the main changes in patch 4.2.2 first:

Death Knight
Blood: Improved Death Strike increases damage done by Death Strike by 40/80/120%, up from 30/60/90%. Increases critical strike chance by 10/20/30%, up from 3/6/9%.
Elemental: Shamanism gives an additional 32% benefit from spell power, up from 20%.

World Events
Loot-Filled Pumpkin now requires Hallow's End.
Keg-Shaped Treasure Chest now requires Brewfest.
Satchel of Chilled Goods now requires Midsummer Fire Festival.
Heart-Shaped Box now requires Love is in the Air.
Deflecting Star is now bound when picked up.
Lava Bolt Crossbow now increases haste by 81 instead of mastery by 75. Increases critical strike rating by 88, down from 91.
Lava Bolt Crossbow (H) now increases haste by 92 instead of mastery by 85. Increases critical strike rating by 99, down from 103.
Unheeded Warning now increases attack power by 1926 instead of increasing weapon damage by 680.
Apparatus of Khaz'goroth now increases critical strike, haste, or mastery rating by 508, up from 306.
Apparatus of Khaz'goroth (H) now increases critical strike, haste, or mastery rating by 575, up from 345.
Necromantic Focus now grants 39 mastery rating, down from 42.
Necromantic Focus (H) now grants 44 mastery rating, down from 48.
Matrix Restabilizer now grants 1624 critical strike, haste, or mastery rating, up from 1532.
Matrix Restabilizer (H) now grants 1834 critical strike, haste, or mastery rating, up from 1730.
Vessel of Acceleration now grants 82 critical strike rating, up from 77.
Vessel of Acceleration (H) now grants 92 critical strike rating, up from 87.
PvP Gear
Most Vicious Gladiator wrists/belts/boots received slight increases to stamina.

Blacksmithing: Masterwork Elementium Deathblade now has a 3.5 Speed and 1615 - 2999 Damage. Down from 3.8 Speed and 1753 - 3256 Damage.
Leatherworking: Bloodthirsty Fur Cloak, Leatherworking: Bloodthirsty Hide Cloak are no longer unique.
Tailoring: Bloodthirsty Embersilk Cape is no longer unique.
