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World of Warcraft: New Items in Patch 5.2

There are several reasons to get excited about when a new patch is on the way. There is always new content to look forward to, usually new raids, instances, scenarios, bosses, or if we are really lucky all of them. There is also generally more story line added to the game, achievements, and much more.

Admit that the most important thing added with a patch is new gear! After all what excites most players more than finding new and more powerful gear to upgrade their character with. Let's see what new items will be added to World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria in patch 5.2.

World of Warcraft Patch 5.2 updating

New Heirloom Items

Not high level new raid gear, but almost as important for many of us with numerous alts to level up, there are new heirloom upgrades for purchase. The old heirlooms stopped providing their boost to experience at various levels but all stopped by level 80. These new ones grant an experience boost all the way to 85.

They are expensive though so be warned. They require you to have the old version of the heirloom and an additional amount of justice points to upgrade it to the new version. While the points do add up, most players will have a pile of justice points just sitting there anyway, so it is something worth to spend time.

There are a lot of great items that are of a lot of use as you level up. Many players opt for the weapons since you will then not have to keep finding new weapons while leveling, but keep in mind that the weapons do not provide an experience boost. Therefore I would focus more of the pieces that do such as the chest and shoulders.

New Crafted PVP Gear

For those into the PVP scene there are several new pieces of PVP gear that can be created by players with the proper professions. These are all item level 458 PVP focused items that are part of the season 12 crafted sets.

These items should allow players to get up to speed PVP wise with enough PVP power and resilience to at least cope with the PVP scene. In addition there are some good looking models to go with them, so if you are looking to transmog a cool set, these may offer some useful looks.

Item level 429 Troll Items

This one is only important for players looking to get items for transmogrification; however it does make it far easier for them. Many of the old Amani troll items from Zul'Aman and Zul'Grub had a cool look that players loved. Now that those are old instances, getting the items for transmogrification can be tough.

New Legendary?

WoW Patch 5.2 new items

While a new legendary item has not been found yet in the PTR, a new legendary quest chain has been found. The quests are part of the legendary quest chain that has been strung through the Mists of Pandaria expansion from Wrathion. While there is no guarantee that you will be granted a legendary from this patch's round of quests, we will be getting something new from Wrathion.

Raid Gear: Tier 15 sets and more

WoW patch 5.2 new tier gear

There will be brand-new raid tier sets added with patch 5.2, tier 15. Blizzard does not disappoint with the looks of them either, as many of the sets are amazing looking, even though there are 2 that you may really don't care for the rest look really cool.

Also, don't forget that that a new raid means that in addition to all the new tier 15 items, there will of course be a whole lot of new items found in that new raid, the Throne of Thunder.

While many of the set bonuses are in place in PTR and being discussed by Blizzard in the official forums already, they are not set in stone and many are already changing on the PTR.
