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World of Warcraft Patch 4.2: Get a headstart to the Firelands

World of Warcraft Patch 4.2, Rage of the Firelands is here! World of Warcraft patch 4.2 will offer hardy adventurers an opportunity to turn the tide in the Firelands, a huge outdoor raid of the highest difficulty, with 10-person and 25-person normal and Heroic modes. For World of Warcraft players, one of the most important things is what exactly must they do to get into the Firelands? From here you can find the details about how to unlock the Firelands. So let’s get a headstart in the race to the Firlands.

Report to Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem
You just need to simply hop on your flying mounts and head over to Nordune Ridge, just north of the Sanctuary of Malorne to complete this quest. Here you could find many Guardians of Hyjal fighting in front of a glowing portal which is spewing forth minions of Ragnaros. A little ways away from the portal you can find Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem who is standing next to Malfurion Stormrage and Captain Saynna Stormrunner. Speak to Runetotem to hand in this quest.

Fight the waves of Charred Invaders on Nordune Ridge
In order to open the portal you must help the Guardians hold off Ragnaros’s allies lest they disrupt it. Once you accept this quest a red bar will appear in the middle of your screen. The bar then progressively fills as the ritual goes on and enemies are defeated. Once the bar has been totally filled an explosion will occur and a former druid named Leyara who is a boss of sorts, will emerge. Help the Guardians pummel her down and eventually she will make a last minute escape. After Leyara’s escape, the quest is complete.

Report to Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem once again
To complete this quest head south, back to the Sanctuary of Malorne and speak to Matoclaw.

Help Emberlimb, Thisalee Crow, Tholo Whitehoof and Anren Shadowseeker escape the flames
You must find them out and help them escape. See the map to the side for the location of each of the druids. Once you have located a druid, you will find them engaged in battle with fire elementals which usually spawn in small groups and instantly aggro to the druids. Simply pick an elemental and kill them off. Defeat 6 elementals near each druid to complete this quest, then return to Hamuul Runetotem at the Sanctuary of Malorne to hand in the quest.

Help Malfurion while he resurrects Malorne
There is a plan that could save them all for Malfurion. It takes some time to resurrect Malorne to protect the sanctuary. To complete this quest you must protect Malorne from the attacking elementals which will allow him to complete the ritual. Hold the invaders off for a minute or so, ignoring the giant stomping towards you, and just focusing on the smaller more manageable elements, then Malorne will be resurrected.

Obtain 20 Marks of the World Tree
To work with Matoclaw to obtain enough resources to afford reinforcements. You should already have 8 Marks from the previous quests. To collect the rest you need to complete the two available daily quests offered by Matoclaw until you reach 20.

Find Leyara
Leyara, the Druid of the Flame who emerged from the portal during the first effort to enter the Firelands must be sought out and taken care of. She can be found in the ruins to the northwest of the Sanctuary. Leyara is neutral when you find her first time, speak to her and follow with her story.

Go through the portal atop Nordune Ridge and help Malfurion secure a foothold on the Molten Front
Malfurion wants you to join him in securing a foothold in the Molten Front. Go back to Nordune Ridge and go through the portal where you could find the druids engaged in battle. To complete this quest help Malfurion and the other druids defeat the Obsidian Slaglord. Please make sure to make full use of the druids mass healing spell. Speak to Malfurion inside the Sentinel Tree when the battle is done.
