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Join us-Trion Worlds VS Blizzard VS EA

Rift News

Trion Worlds has announced that subscribers to Rift will receive some terrific in-game bonuses from December 22nd through January 2nd. In addition, Trion is promoting the game client for $4.99. Subscribers will be treated to a 15% bonus to kill mobs.

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Diablo III News

500 Diablo III Beta Keys? Yes you read that right, 500. The Blizzard Customer Support team are obviously a little bored at the moment dealing with support issues so they have decided that 500 keys will be unleashed via their Twitter. They will be shifting out 100 per week over the next five weeks. The sweepstakes start today and end on 23 January.

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Star Wars: The Old Republic mobile security app released. EA and the Bioware team have announced that the mobile security app is now available for Droid and iOS devices. It can be downloaded in the Droid Marketplace or the Apple App Store for free and later tied to a player's account.

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Looking at these exciting news, in order to seize the resource users, most of the game companies are now competing in the dark.I think it is the happiest holiday in this year. Trion Worlds’s RIFT and Blizzard’s Diablo III give players a lot of bonus,and EA’s SWTOR is the hot game now, which also released mobile security app. Therefore, we have lots of choices, right? But which game will you join?
But which game will you join? who will be the winner?
