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GuildWars: Developer Update - May 2010 Skill Balances

This update is primarily targeted at improving the role of the Mesmer in PvE. Mesmers excel at control and disruption. These tactics are a natural fit for PvP, where enemy deaths are not inevitable and disrupting the right skill at the right moment can lead to the collapse of an entire team. In PvE, the focus tends to be on more direct factors like group damage and quick turnaround between battles. Our changes are intended to allow Mesmers to fit into current PvE play patterns. Many of these changes do not apply to PvP, where the shutdown capabilities of the Mesmer (and hex spells in general) are already strong.
In addition to the Mesmer-related changes, this update features significant balance adjustments to elite areas and a handful of changes to address other balance issues. The elite area changes are a follow up to the shadow the update from in February
